Affiliate's Customer Experience Survey

Thank you for representing us as a contributor. Please take a moment to tell us about your experience and how well The Met Sentinel is or can be meeting readers expectations. NOTE: Only MNN Affiliates are permitted to participate in this survey. (▼ Start Below ▼)

2. What products and services have your readers purchased from us? (▼ Check all that apply ▼)

5. Please share your readers ratings per the following areas of our services and products: (▼ Multi-part question, single selection each part ▼)

The Met Sentinel is somewhat a social enterprise with social and environmental mandates. In an effort to be Eco-friendly and keep costs as low as possible, we publish our newspaper online thus making it more accessible to as many readers as possible. Please take a moment to answer the following additional questions. (▼ Continue Below ▼)

☺ Great job! ♥ The survey is complete. Thank you for participating today! Please read below and submit. ▼